Thursday, 25 April 2013

Moartea si Taxele

Se spune ca sunt doua lucruri pe lumea asta de care nu poti scapa: moartea si taxele.
Pana sa murim si chiar dupa moarte platim taxe tot timpul: HST (TVA), accize, tax property si lista poate continua. Si cum acum e sezonul de taxe, Fraser Institut  a descoperit ca in Canada se cheltuie mai mult pe taxe decat pentru nevoile de baza.
"It's not a favorite time of year for Canadians when the Taxman cometh, and if you believe a new report by the Fraser Institute the average family is spending more on taxes than basic necessities such as food, shelter and clothing."
(Kwan, Jennifer. "Canadian Tax Burden Too Big for Families?" Yahoo Finance)
Cititi tot articolul aici .

Thursday, 11 April 2013

De prin presa adunate

Dupa ce zilele trecute s-a tot discutat in ziare despre dozele gresite de chimio pentru bolnavii de cancer (Wrong chemotherapy doses given to nearly 1,000 cancer patients in Ontario), un alt subiect de discutie incinge media canadiana: pachetele cu contraceptive gresit dozate vandute pe piata.
Clar ca pe aici cineva nu sta bine cu matematica. Sa fie oare o "eroare" intentionata in speranta ca mai creste natalitatea?

Apotex recalls Alysena birth control pill
"OTTAWA—The maker of the birth-control pill Alysena 28 has issued an urgent recall after it was discovered that one lot of the contraceptive may have been incorrectly packaged with only two weeks of drug-containing tablets instead of three.
Women taking the incorrectly packaged pill would not receive the proper amount of contraceptive, raising the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy." (The Star, April 02, 2013)

Canadian Birth Rate Low, Immigration To Thank For Growth
 "Canada's birth rate is currently hovering around 1.67 children per woman, well below the minimum of 2.0 needed for natural population replacement."(The Huffington Post, February 10, 2013)